Test d’anglais niveau B1


Test anglais Niveau B1

Ceci est le test d'anglais de niveau B1

Task : Find the correct answer  between the brackets ,then write it down

1 / 12

1) Which of these ones is an adverb of degree? ( carefully / very / seldom) ...........................

2 / 12

2) The father gave his son (advice / an advice / advices ) concerning  his exams............................

3 / 12

3) The following nouns " advice,fear ,courage,knowledge" are  ( abstract / concrete / countable ) nouns. ........................

4 / 12

4) The final "ed" in the verb "TALKED" is pronounced ( /d/ , /id/ , /t/ ) ..............................

5 / 12

5) The final "s" in the verb "STUDIES "is pronounced  ( /z/ , /s/,  /iz/ ) ....................................

6 / 12

6) The boy (didn't take  / took  not / didn't took  ) his umbrella to school . .........................................

7 / 12

7) (Does / do / is ) your mother work outdoors?  .........................

8 / 12

8) The contracted form of  "WILL NOT" is ( willn't / won't / shan't ) . ...............................

9 / 12

9) The birds ( were  singing / was singing / are singing ) beautifully all day yesterday. ..........................

10 / 12

10) Only few people are used to ( get up / getting up / got up) early in Ramadhan..................................

11 / 12

11) When I was in primary school,I used to  ( make / making / made ) noise in class. .........................

12 / 12

12) The teacher has been working in the same school ( for / since / until ) 20 years now. ...................................

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